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Men's Container looking after the life blood of this planet

If you are in need of connection and a solid group of men to talk with , if you have been experiencing overwhelm, anxiety, stress, heartbreak, feeling alone, lost and worthlessness or even if you just want to meet some new like minded people this zoom is for you.

The world is not an easy place at the moment with so many expectations and dramas happening globally, there is a collective over wealm and with the economy and geo-political situation so average it's no wonder so many men are struggling, we also have the most insane rate of suicide. The most important thing we can do is be centred, and balanced, looking after our bodies + have a support network around us.

Its the 3 step approach mind body and spirit.

We are all one human family beyond all the 3d dramas.  

We will be running regular men circles on line in a safe container on zoom, I will bring on different co hosts each session as we dive into our patterns and issues.

I will bring in solutions and also ways to manage what we are all going through.

Beyond this , there will be sweat lodges, retreats, weekend gatherings, deep dives work shops and more.

I will run a small breath work and meditation and some relaxing flute. I have been working with men and humans for many years and understand deeply whats going on in the unconscious mind.

We would love to see you on here and offer you support

Send us a message
 and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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